August 18th, 2016 |
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Amazon reviews, e-news
Mildred Pierce is an engrossing deconstruction of American society. Much as Raymond Chandler portrays the dark, seamy side with classic noir tropes, Cain does the same with a more intimate, domestic setting and characters. Read the rest of this entry »
August 18th, 2016 |
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Amazon reviews
This is a must watch for horror fans, but would also interest viewers who enjoy period dramas set in recent times. The Conjuring 2 is set in working class 1970’s England. Read the rest of this entry »
November 26th, 2015 |
Published in
Amazon reviews, Horror, Reviews, Self Publishing, traditional gothic, Writer and Research

Writer and research work includes reading and reviewing the work of fiction and non-fiction writers
Reviews also extend to film and music.
I am currently ranked under 6,000 with a 86% helpful status among more than 33 million reviewers.
My latest reviews include:
Stephen King’s: Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Del Toro’s latest: film Crimson Peak
For something completely different: The Poldark Series (TV and novels)
Follow this link to my Amazon reviews and profile page.
August 31st, 2015 |
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Amazon reviews, e-news
This is a brilliant read. Capote skilfully transforms raw factual material into compelling fiction; stories within stories, sub-plots and flashbacks enhance the quality of this read. Read the rest of this entry »
August 31st, 2015 |
Published in
Amazon reviews, e-news
I read both his short stories and novels. Stand out favourites are: The Shining and Pet Sematary. They are grim, intense and genuinely frightening, but also strike a chord with what it means to be human, decent and compassionate. Read the rest of this entry »
August 31st, 2015 |
Published in
Amazon reviews, e-news
His style and ideology have influenced me, particularly his cynical and sardonic view of humanity. He is a master writer whose works are very readable and contemporary. Read the rest of this entry »
July 22nd, 2015 |
Published in
Amazon reviews, Creative non-fiction, Dark Tales, film, Reviews, Social Issues, Writer and Research
Essential Classic of a creative non-fiction that exploits the best elements of fiction and a compelling read Read the rest of this entry »